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July 26, 2012
Novosti Yugri
Vera Vasil’eva

Из Мюнхена в юрты Ярсомовы (in Russian)
The article presents the researchers Éva Schmidt and Zsófia Schön (née Kováts).
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July 20, 2012
Khanti Yaseng
L’udmila Kayukova

Ав йитя-йөта айрытнат (in Surgut Khanty)
This is page fivefteen of the newspaper Khanti Yaseng, published on July 20, 2012. The article, written by L’udmila Kayukova in Surgut Khanty, presents a traditional Khanty sport festival that took place in Ugut on June 16, 2012. Researcher Zsófia Schön (née Kováts) gave a talk during the festival opening.
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July 20, 2012
Khanti Yaseng
L’udmila Kayukova

Па қон мəҳəң мӑҷ нэ (in Surgut Khanty)
This is page fourteen of the newspaper Khanti Yaseng, published on July 20, 2012. The article, written by L’udmila Kayukova in Surgut Khanty, deals with the fieldwork of Zsófia Schön (née Kováts) in Siberia along the rivers Bol’šoj Yugan and Malyj Yugan in 2012.
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August 27, 2011
Khanti Yaseng
Reonal’da Ol’zina

Ар ясаң вəӆ (in Kazym Khanty)
The article (p. 4) deals with the work of Zsófia Schön (née Kováts) at the University of Munich and with her expeditions to the Khanty people in Siberia.
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December 4, 2010
Khanti Yaseng
L’udmila Kayukova

Нюӆнам мойӆəтаҳə нөрипӆув (in Surgut Khanty)
L'udmila Kayukova's article (p. 4) deals with her visit to the University of Munich and her Siberia expedition with Zsófia Schön (née Kováts).
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Лӯимā сэ̄рипос
Tamara Mʲerova

eːli xoːn maːt xanʲisʲtaxtasuw (in Northern Mansi)
Article about the visit of three Khanty and one Mansi student to the Institute for Finno-Ugric Studies, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
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