Original Title | Dialect | Informant | Genre Form | Genre Content | ID | glossed | Audio |
kit joːrn oːleɣ. janiɣ xumite […]. | northern mansi (NM) | Bachtiarov, Vasilij | prose (pro) | Tales (tal) | 1239 | glossed | – |
Text Source | Editor | Collector |
Kannisto, Artturi – Liimola, Matti. (1956). Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. III. Band. Märchen. (Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 111). Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura. 9-20 | Liimola, Matti | Kannisto & Liimola (KL) |
English Translation | German Translation | Russian Translation | Hungarian Translation |
"The banished Samoyed." | – | – | – |
by Gábor Fónyad |
Citation |
Kannisto & Liimola 1956: OUDB Northern Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1239. Ed. by Janda, Gwen Eva. http://www.oudb.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/?cit=1239 (Accessed on 2025-03-11) |
kit joːrn oːleɣ. janiɣ xumite […]. (glossed version) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
1 |
There are two Samoyedes. Es sind zwei Samojeden. |
2 |
The older man is married. Der ältere Mann ist verheiratet. |
3 |
The younger man is unmarried. Der jüngere Mann ist unverheiratet. |
4 |
He was unmarried for a long time, for a short time, then he got married to a woman. Er war eine lange Zeit, eine kurze Zeit unverheiratet, dann heiratete er eine Frau. |
5 |
He got married to a woman, went to town and bought a bucket full of alcohol. Er heiratete eine Frau, ging in die Stadt und kaufte einen Eimer voll Alkohol. |
6 |
He began to drink. Er begann zu trinken. |
7 |
While drinking he does not fall down. Er fällt nicht hin beim Trinken. |
8 |
He ran out of alcohol and fell down. Der Alkohol ging aus und er fiel hin. |
9 |
He fell down and lies there. Er ist zu Boden gefallen und liegt jetzt dort. |
10 |
His older brother and his sister-in-law say to the younger brother's wife: "Put a pillow under his head, he has taken a bad fall." Sein älterer Bruder und seine Schwägerin sagen zur Frau des jüngeren Bruders: "Lege ihm ein Kopfkissen unter, er ist schlimm gefallen." |
11 |
The woman went over to put a pillow under his head. Die Frau ging hin und legte einen Polster unter seinen Kopf. |
12 |
He brought his hand up, his hand struck the woman and she fell down dead. Er hob seinen Arm hoch, sein Arm traf die Frau und sie fiel tot zu Boden. |
13 |
Sein Bruder und seine Schwägerin weinen und trauern. His brother and his sister-in-law weep and grieve. |
14 |
He just lies there. Er liegt einfach da. |
15 |
He lies there for a long time, for a short time, then he looks up: his brother and his sister-in-law are weeping and grieving. Er liegt eine lange Zeit, eine kurze Zeit da, dann blickt er hinauf: Sein Bruder und seine Schwägerin weinen und trauern. |
16 |
He wonders: "Why are they crying?" Er denkt: "Warum weinen sie?" |
17 |
He sobered up. Er wurde nüchtern. |
18 |
He asks them: "Why are you crying?" Er fragt sie: "Warum weint ihr?" |
19 |
They say: "You have killed your wife." Sie sagen: "Du hast deine Frau getötet." |
20 |
He says: "How did I kill her?" Er sagt: "Wie habe ich sie getötet?" |
21 |
"We told your wife to put a pillow under your head." "Wir sagten deiner Frau, sie soll einen Polster unter deinen Kopf legen." |
22 |
"What?!?" "Was?!?" |
23 |
he says. sagt er. |
24 |
He was to blame. Er wurde angeschuldigt. |
25 |
Word even reached the city of the Czar that he had killed his wife. Die Nachricht, dass er seine Frau getötet hatte, erreichte sogar die Stadt des Kaiser. |
26 |
He says: "I will go myself where the carts come from. Nobody should have any problems on account of me." Er sagt: "Ich werde selber dorthin gehen, von wo die Kronsfahrtpost kommt. Es soll niemand irgendeinen Aufwand meinethalben haben." |
27 |
He caught seven white reindeer oxen, cut a bearskin up into pull straps and a cowskin into belly straps, harnessed the reindeer and set off. Er fing sieben weiße Rentierochsen ein, er schnitt eine Bärenhaut zum Schulterriemen und eine Kuhhaut zum Bauchgurt, spannte die Tiere an und machte sich auf. |
28 |
He travelled seven days and seven nights. Er reiste sieben Tage und sieben Nächte. |
29 |
He stopped to clean off snow and ice. Er hielt an, um Schnee und Eis von sich zu klopfen. |
30 |
He looks ahead: A tent is there and a dog is barking. Er schaut nach vorne: Ein Zelt steht dort und ein Hund bellt. |
31 |
A woman or a man stepped outside, went in again and says: "A man has come. He harnessed seven white reindeer oxen, he cut up half a bearskin into pull straps and half a cowskin into belly straps Eine Frau oder ein Mann trat heraus, ging wieder hinein und sagt: "Ein Mann ist gekommen. Er hat sieben weiße Rentierochsen eingespannt, er hat eine halbe Bärenhaut zum Schulterriemen und eine halbe Kuhhaut zum Bauchgurt geschnitten." |
32 |
Someone says: "It's probably that exiled man on his way." Jemand sagt:" Das ist wahrscheinlich dieser verbannte Mann, der da unterwegs ist." |
33 |
He says: "I'm going to go out" - he took a big knife - "I'm going to go out and kill him with my own hands." Er sagt: "Ich werde hinausgehen" - er nahm ein großes Messer - "ich werde hinausgehen und ihn mit meinen eigenen Händen töten." |
34 |
His wife and his daughter say: "Don't go!" Seine Frau und seine Tochter sagen: "Gehe nicht!" |
35 |
He went out with the knife in his hand. Mit dem Messer in der Hand ging er hinaus. |
36 |
The man is cleaning off the snow and ice. Der Mann klopft Schnee und Eis von sich. |
37 |
He suspects nothing. Er ahnt nichts. |
38 |
With the knife in his hand, he went over to the man. Mit dem Messer in der Hand ging er hinüber zu dem Mann. |
39 |
The man stabs him again and again. Der Mann sticht nun auf ihn ein. |
40 |
The man gets shoved away at his chest, his breastbones cave in and break, he dies. Der Mann wird an seiner Brust weggedrückt, seine Brustknochen brechen ein und er stirbt. |
41 |
The man says: "Now I have loaded even more guilt on myself." Der Mann sagt: "Jetzt habe ich noch mehr Schuld auf mich geladen." |
42 |
Then he set off again. Dann machte er sich wieder auf den Weg. |
43 |
He went for seven days and seven nights, he went for seven nights and days. Er fuhr wieder sieben Tage und sieben Nächte, sieben Nächte und sieben Tage lang. |
44 |
He stopped again in order to clean off ice and snow. Er hielt erneut an, um Eis und Schnee abzuklopfen. |
45 |
He looks ahead: There is a tent. |
46 |
A dog is barking. Ein Hund bellt. |
47 |
A woman or a man stepped outside, went in again and says: "A man has come with seven white reindeer oxen. He cut up half a bear skin into pull straps and half a cow skin into belly straps." Eine Frau oder ein Mann trat heraus, ging wieder hinein und sagt: "Ein Mann ist mit sieben weiße Rentierochsen gekommen. Er hat eine halbe Bärenhaut zum Schulterriemen und eine halbe Kuhhaut zum Bauchgurt geschnitten." |
48 |
Someone says: "Probably it's my younger brother who has come." Jemand sagt: "Das ist wahrscheinlich mein jüngerer Bruder, der da gekommen ist." |
49 |
He stepped outside, they kissed and embraced each other. Er trat hinaus, sie küssten und umarmten einander. |
50 |
They go inside, the host offers him a good seat. Sie gehen hinein, der Wirt bietet ihm einen guten Sitzplatz an. |
51 |
He says: "What fitting seat do I need, someone who is going into exile?" Er sagt: "Was brauche ich einen anständigen Platz, der ich nun einmal verbannt worden bin?" |
52 |
The two say: "We hear that you have had misfortune." Die beiden sagen: "Wir hören, dass du Unglück gehabt hast." |
53 |
"Where do the carts come from? "Von wo fährt denn die Kronsfahrpost? |
54 |
I came here by myself", he says, "so that people have no trouble because of me. Ich bin selber hierhergekommen", sagt er, "damit die Leute wegen mir keine Mühe haben sollten. |
55 |
So where do the carts come from?" |
56 |
His brother-in-law says: "The carts pass through here. When they go this way, they come by, when that way, they come by. |
57 |
"Go", he says, "from here to the shores of the Ob!" |
58 |
Now he went down to the river Ob and he sat down there. |
59 |
He sat there for a long time, he sat there for a short time, he was looking: A cart appeared, rowing from the other side. |
60 |
They came here and say: "Who's this?" |
61 |
He says: "I'm banished." |
62 |
Two say: "Tie him up, we must throw him into the boat!" |
63 |
He says: "Why are you tying me? |
64 |
I'll get in myself." |
65 |
They went towards the river shore, to a tent. |
66 |
They reached the river bank. |
67 |
The reindeers were driven home. |
68 |
A reindeer was selected, caught and killed. They eat and they give him to eat. |
69 |
The guilty man set up one of his reindeer goads, tied his sled ropes together and says to his brother-in-law: "Make sacrifices in the direction of your reindeer goats, hang seven reindeer heads on it! |
70 |
If it bends down, don't wait any longer! |
71 |
Send these seven white reindeer oxen of mine home to my brother!" |
72 |
They went down to the river to their boat. |
73 |
They got on the boat. |
74 |
The guilty man laid down on the deck of the boat to sleep. |
75 |
Then the people row and they say: "Let's throw him into the water, why the hell should we transport him?" |
76 |
The foreman says: "How should we throw him?" |
77 |
The Tsar is going to look for him, he will say: "If he is dead, bring me his corpse." Nach ihm wird der Zar fragen, er wird sagen: |
78 |
The people say: "He threw himself into the water, he was very willful. |
79 |
He fell into the water, how can we get him?" |
80 |
They seized him. They grab his arms but cannot move them, they grab his legs but cannot move them. |
81 |
He says: "Hey, guys, what are you doing? |
82 |
Can't a guy get any sleep?" |
83 |
"You," they say, "were lying in a bad way, we're putting you in a better position." |
84 |
"Let me lie the way I was, I'm just a banished person." |
85 |
Then they row again. |
86 |
They rowed for a long time, they rowed for a short time, they say again: "Let's throw him into the water!" |
87 |
Again they seized him, again they grabbed his feet, but can't move them, they grab his hands, but can't move them. |
88 |
"Hey, guys, can't a guy get any sleep? |
89 |
If your need is that great, shut me up in an iron barrel. |
90 |
May my flesh and bones rot in one place!" |
91 |
They shut him up in an iron barrel and threw him into the river channel. |
92 |
He drifted for a long time, he drifted for a short time, suddenly he can be heard knocking against the shore. |
93 |
He thought to himself: "If my words and my speech are meant to continue, may both ends of the barrel burst when I move my legs!" |
94 |
The barrel burst. |
95 |
He crawled up the shore and made his way to a path. |
96 |
He heads off in the direction he feels like. |
97 |
He looks ahead: There is a tent. |
98 |
He gets there and thinks of sitting down: "Let me die here!" |
99 |
If I go inside, I'll get killed anyway." |
100 |
A woman or a man can be heard entering the tent: "Someone has sat down there and is close to death." |
101 |
An old man lives there, he has a daughter and a son. |
102 |
The old man says: "If you have noticed someone, bring him in, he's a subject of the Tsar, too!" |
103 |
Then they went up to him. Taking both his arms he was led in, he was brought in, the man close to death. |
104 |
They fed him little by little and he recovered. |
105 |
People are playing. They perform feats with their arms, they perform feats with their legs. |
106 |
The old man's son wins, he defeats all of them. |
107 |
His father says: " If you come to a solitary place consider this man who has just come as your master!" |
108 |
After a while they drove the reindeer home. |
109 |
They drove them home, one reindeer ox was caught and harnessed to a boat. |
110 |
They travel slowly. |
111 |
He says: "My friend, where are we going to get like this?! |
112 |
He says: "I used to own reindeer. We used to go by sledge. |
113 |
I'll make a sledge." |
114 |
The other man says: "If you know how to make sledges, then make one!" |
115 |
He made a Samoyed sledge with ten runners. |
116 |
On of the men says: "Its runners are thin, it will break." |
117 |
The other man says: "It won't break." |
118 |
Their sledge got finished. |
119 |
He says: "Drive your reindeer home!" |
120 |
He drove his reindeer home. |
121 |
The master says to the man: "Catch two selected reindeer." |
122 |
He caught two reindeer. |
123 |
One of them made sledge ropes out of snow and they harnessed the reindeer. |
124 |
The other man says: "I am losing my mind." |
125 |
He's shrieking and shouting. |
126 |
He stoppped shouting and says: "You have a great skill!" |
127 |
"Is this ever fast! |
128 |
We used to be fast before; we harness five or six reindeer up." |
129 |
They drove home. |
130 |
The son says to his father: "What great skills he has!" |
131 |
"My sons, since yesterday I have been telling you: When you come to your land, consider this man as your master!" |
132 |
The old man says: "Go fishing, children!" |
133 |
They went to the shore to their boat. They got to their boat. Half of it was on dry land. |
134 |
No matter how hard they shove it, they can't. |
135 |
The man who had recently arrived is sitting on the shore smoking a pipe. |
136 |
"Come up to the bank, I'll push it!" |
137 |
"We people, we cannot push with strength like yours!" |
138 |
The people came up the bank, he went down to the boat and he pushed it with one hand alone into the water. |
139 |
The people said: "He's really something!" |
140 |
They got into the boat and rowed. |
141 |
It got foggy and they got lost. |
142 |
They rowed for a long time, they rowed for a short time, the fog lifted in the middle: A village and new houses appeared. |
143 |
Тhey say: "Let's dock here, and drink!" |
144 |
One of the men says: "Let's keep going, we'll make tea somewhere else." |
145 |
They say: "We'll have tea here, if you want to go, go!" |
146 |
They get out of the shore, they walk around a house but they find no door. |
147 |
He came ashore, he flung the door open, his people went in. |
148 |
There's a forest spirit lying inside the house. |
149 |
He says to his people: "Boil tea, drink tea!" |
150 |
They went completely pale, they were so afraid. |
151 |
The forest spirit got up. |
152 |
"Old man", they say, "greetings!" |
153 |
"Ah, lads, greetings to you, too! |
154 |
Fresh blood drops have come before me", he says. |
155 |
"My men", he says, " haven't arrived yet." |
156 |
Four forest spirits entered. |
157 |
"Ah", they say, "our old guy is never empty-handed. |
158 |
Even his house has eyes and ears. |
159 |
A seven-eared kettle was hung over the fire, half of the people were caught and thrown into it. |
160 |
"Hey, guy, that's too little." |
161 |
Won't you put in some more?" |
162 |
Again they caught ten men and put them in the kettle. |
163 |
The man, he says: "Drink tea!" |
164 |
Before you were saying you're going to make tea. |
165 |
So why aren't you making any tea now?" |
166 |
The forest spirits' food was ready and they ate, four forest spirits left. |
167 |
The forest spirit lay down to sleep. |
168 |
Now the man began to throw his men out the window. |
169 |
"Go and cut their boat in two!" |
170 |
The forest spirits' sword is hanging above him. |
171 |
He took the forest spirit's sword, cut him in two and then went outside. |
172 |
The forest spirits run towards the shore. |
173 |
One of them pushes his boat into the water, it sinks, again another one pushes his boat into the water, again it sinks. |
174 |
"Alas!" |
175 |
he says, "damned devils, somehow you have demolished our boats!" |
176 |
One of them runs downstream along the shore. |
177 |
He uprooted out a larch, broke it into pieces and flings them towards the boat on the water. |
178 |
His projectiles ran out and he let himself down into the water. |
179 |
He got to the boat. He grabbed it, but his hands got cut off with a sword. |
180 |
Now the people went. They reached their boat harbour and went ashore. |
181 |
The old man's son began to speak now: "Half of our people have returned home; if it hadn't been for this man, all of us would have been killed." |
182 |
The old man said: "I've been telling you since yesterday: 'If you come to a remote place, consider him as your master!" |
183 |
The old man made him his son-in-law. |
184 |
He says: "I myself am a man with land, I myself am a man with water, I want to go home to my land." |
185 |
He says: "You will be brought home by your wife." |
186 |
A reindeer herd was divided into two parts, he was given a wife and then he left, his wife took him. |
187 |
He was taken for a long time or a short time, he looks ahead: there is a tent. |
188 |
He looks: A reindeer goad is standing there with seven reindeer heads hanging on it. |
189 |
He enters, his brother-in-law and his sister are there. |
190 |
They slept. Morning came. |
191 |
He harnessed his seven reindeer oxen. |
192 |
He says to his wife: "You stay here, then follow me slowly! |
193 |
I am leaving, my brother and my sister-in-law are waiting." |
194 |
He left. |
195 |
He travelled seven nights and seven days. |
196 |
He stopped in order to clean off the snow and the ice. |
197 |
He looks ahead: there is a tent. |
198 |
A dog is barking. |
199 |
A woman or a man comes outside and goes back in again. |
200 |
"Some man has arrived with seven white reindeer oxen. |
201 |
Someone can be heard: "Isn't that the one we shut up in an iron barrel?" |
202 |
He pulled at his reins and set off. |
203 |
Again he travelled for seven nights and seven days. |
204 |
Again he looks ahead. There's a tent there. |
205 |
A dog is barking. |
206 |
He looks: Just like his own tent! |
207 |
He went inside, he entered. |
208 |
He kisses and embraces his sister-in-law and his brother. |
209 |
He begins talking and says: Are you keeping your herd and your wealth safe? |
210 |
They say: "We are." |
211 |
He says: "What kind of herd is this! |
212 |
We're being brought another herd." |
213 |
His wife came and brought them a herd. |
214 |
They lived happily ever after with their herds. |