Original Title | Dialect | Informant | Genre Form | Genre Content | ID | glossed | Audio |
anʲsʲəx joɒ̯ aŋkəʃk olsəɣ kujəsəɣ | pelym mansi (PM) | Ljalkin, Andrei Petrovich | prose (pro) | Tales (tal) | 1262 | glossed | – |
Text Source | Editor | Collector |
Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1956): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. III. Band. Märchen. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 111. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 126-131. | Liimola, Matti; Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovich | Kannisto & Liimola (KL) |
English Translation | German Translation | Russian Translation | Hungarian Translation |
"There was an old man and an old woman" | – | – | – |
by Riese, Timothy |
Citation |
Kannisto & Liimola 1956: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1262. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. http://www.oudb.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/?cit=1262 (Accessed on 2025-03-13) |
There was an old man and an old woman |
There was an old man and an old woman. They have no daughter, they have no son. The old man began to chop firewood. The old man was chopping firewood. Suddenly, a bullfinch fell out of a chunk of firewood. He took this bullfinch and brought it into the hut to his wife. The old woman began to feed the bullfinch. The bullfinch suddenly turned into a human. A wife must be taken for the bullfinch. A wife was taken for the bullfinch. A wedding feast is being held for the bullfinch. The bullfinch's clothing was put into the oven to burn. The bullfinch turned red and threw himself through the window. The bullfinch went off then. His wife began to go looking, to look for her bullfinch husband. She went and she went. She wandered and wandered, she came to a hut. When she went in, an old woman is sitting alone. Huh, she says, you came on your own, you entered on your own. So, she says, give me something to eat, something to drink, then ask. The old woman gave her something to eat and something to drink, she asks her, where are you off to? Where am I off to? I'm off to look for a man named Bullfinch. She says, haven't you seen him, auntie? Don't you know him? No, she says, I haven't see him, I don't know him. Maybe, she says, your uncle has seen him somewhere. Your uncle will come in the evening. I'll ask, maybe he has seen him. So, in the evening the old man came back, he was carrying an elk under his arm for himself to eat with his wife. Knife, cut up the elk. The knife cut up the elk. Knife, put the elk into the pot to cook. The knife put the elk into the pot to cook. The elk boiled and got done. He and his wife ate and they lay down (to sleep). They lay down, the wife speaks, she says, husband, have you not seen, do you not know a man called Bullfinch? The old man got angry, when he hit the old woman, she fell towards the door. The old man got up and left. The woman got up as well and went. She went and went, she came to a hut again. The old woman says to her, you came, you entered, you didn't ask. Auntie, give something to eat, something to drink, ask then, she says. The woman speaks, have you not seen, have you not noticed, she says, a man named Bullfinch? Her aunt says, no, she says, I know nothing, I have seen nothing. Later, she says, your uncle will be coming, I'll ask him. In the evening the old man came. Again he was carrying an elk under his arm, he threw it onto the floor, he threw the knife. Cut, knife! The knife cut. Knife, put it into the pot to cook! The knife put it into the pot to cook. Their food got done, the old woman ladled it out, she and the old man ate and lay down (to sleep). The old woman says, husband, have you not noticed, do you not know a man called Bullfinch? The old man got angry, he struck the old woman, the old woman lay down. The next morning the old man got up, he went off again to his last wife. The woman got up as well and went. She went and went, she came to a hut again. She came to a hut, she went in. An old woman says, you didn't ask, you came inside on your own, you came on your own. Give me something to eat, ask then! The old woman gave her something to eat. Where, she says, are you off to? Auntie, she says, have you not noticed, do you not know a man called Bullfinch? No, niece, she says, I have noticed nothing, I know nothing, she says. In the evening your uncle will be coming, ask him (whether) he knows anything or not. In the evening the old man comes. Again he was carrying an elk under his arm. The elk gets thrown onto the floor, the knife gets thrown. Knife, cut! The knife cut. Knife, put it into the pot to cook. The knife put it into the pot to cook. The food got done. The old woman ladles the meat out. She ate with the old man, they lay down (to sleep). The old woman asks the old man, do you not know, have you not noticed a man called Bullfinch? He says, I often go to him, to the man called Bullfinch. How, she says, do you visit (him)? How, he says, do I visit (him)? I scrape the soles of my feet with a knife, scatter (it) underneath me, the watery marsh dries up and I walk across. The door to his hut, he says, I open with a hair from my beard. The old man fell asleep. It's time to scrape the soles of the old man's feet. The two of them pulled and pulled at a hair of his beard, they couldn't manage to tear one out. So, chop a hair of the beard off with an axe! His lip was cut in two. The old man woke up, how, he says, did my lip get cut in two? Husband, she says, you placed your axe yourself, it fell down and you cut your lip in two. Then the old man got up and left. The woman got up as well and went across the marsh. She scatters the footsole scrapings, it dries up and she walked across the marsh. She came to the place Bullfinch was living. She opened the door to the hut, inside the hut a crane chick is walking around. The woman asks, when will the man called Bullfinch be coming? The crane chick says, he'll be right here. The woman hid. The man called Bullfinch arrived, he grabbed his fiddle and sat down to play. Suddenly, a string of the fiddle snapped. And he began to play the dombra, a string of the dombra snapped. Oh, he says, how is it that the things seen by my wife are tearing? He sat down to play his harp, he started to play his harp, again a string snapped. He threw down his harp and jumped up to run. He jumped up to run and was grasped by his wife. The couple clasped one another, they went back to their own place, they went back to their mother and father. |