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kum workʷeæ̯leæ̯ttə oːlipelym mansi (PM)Jeblankov, Feodor Ljepifanovichprose (pro)Mythological Texts (myt)1279glossed
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Kannisto, Artturi - Liimola, Matti (1951): Wogulische Volksdichtung gesammelt und übersetzt von Artturi Kannisto, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Matti Liimola. I. Band. Texte mythischen Inhalts. In: Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne, 101. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 152-157. Liimola, MattiKannisto & Liimola (KL)
English TranslationGerman TranslationRussian TranslationHungarian Translation
"A man is living in his forest hut"
by Riese, Timothy
Kannisto & Liimola 1951: OUDB Pelym Mansi Corpus. Text ID 1279. Ed. by Eichinger, Viktória. (Accessed on 2025-03-13)
A man is living in his forest hut
A man is living in his forest hut, he hunts.
He hunted for a short time, or he hunted for a long time.
Suddenly he thinks: I'll go today to cut cones.
So, he went to cut cones, then he cut cones.
He made pine nuts, he sat down to crack pine nuts.
He sat for a short time or he sat for a long time.
Suddenly he looks, a forest spirit is coming to him.
It came to him.
It started to come in, his door poles were pushed in.
Then he asked it: Uncle, where are you going?
It says, nephew, I'm going to you.
What are you doing?
I'm cracking nuts, do you want to crack nuts, uncle?
I want to.
Let's make a bet on cracking nuts: (if) you finish first, then you eat me, (if) I finish first, then I eat you.
Yes, nephew, it says, I've been thinking of making this bet for a long time.
And so they make a bet.
Then the man ran to the shore to a stone tongue of land.
He scooped up stones, stones the same size as nuts, then he brought them.
Uncle, crack, let's race.
They race.
When he bites, pieces of stone fly about all over the hut.
He bites something again, something goes into his bosom.
Suddenly he says, my nut basket is finished.
I, nephew, still have many.
Now, he says, let's not start fighting, do you want to eat, uncle?
I do, nephew, he says.
He hung a seven-handled pot over the fire, they filled it with meat.
Then he ran and picked up a pair of pliers.
He put the pliers into the fire, then the pliers got hot.
He took the pliers along, he took a hammer along, he climbed up on top of the hut.
He calls down, uncle, our hut is falling over.
Look up!
Then, when he looks up, he pinched his nose with the pliers.
He started to hammer him with the hammer.
Nephew, do a good deed, let me go, let me breathe a bit.
He went, he ripped out the door poles.
If you have any brains, then put the door poles back.
He turned back, he put the door poles back.
Then he went off crying.
It wasn't very long, he started to chase after him.
Then he chased him.
Then he looks, there's a green-yellow pit opening.
He let himself down.
He came down.
He listens, he's still alive, he's ill.
An old woman says, accursed one!
If he came here, I would eat him here, I would drink him here.
He hid.
Suddenly the old woman cries out: go, boy, to get a divination.
A boy came out.
He goes.
He lets one of his legs hang: my legs carry me.
He lets his other leg hang: my legs carry me.
He got there, to the miʃ-woman.
You, he says, our father has started to die, give a divination.
The miʃ-woman says, where he finds the trail of a human, he follows it, (if) he finds a god-created human, he takes (him) with the head.
(If) it was his wish day, then he searched for his wish day, (if) it was his search day, he searched for his search day.
Go back, she says, and say so.
He ran back.
He lets one of his legs hang; my legs carry me.
He lets his other leg hang: my legs carry me.
He came to his mother.
The miʃ-woman, she says, how did she speak?
He said, she says, where he finds the trail of a human, he follows it. (If) it was his wish day, then he searched for his wish day, (if) it was his search day, he searched for his search day.
(If) he finds a god-created human, he takes (him) with the head.
Go again, she says, have her give a divination again.
Then the boy ran off again.
He lets one of his legs hang; my legs carry me.
He lets his other leg hang: my legs carry me.
He came to the miʃ-woman.
So, he says, our father will die soon, give a divination.
She says, (when) he comes to the trail of a human, he follows it, (if) he finds a god-created human, he takes it with the head.
(If) it was his wish day, then he searched for his wish day, (if) it was his search day, he searched for his search day.
Soon, she says, he will die.
Go, tell.
The boy ran off.
He lets one of his legs hang; my legs carry me.
He lets his other leg hang: my legs carry me.
He came home.
The miʃ-woman, she says, what did she divine?
What did she divine?
She says, where he finds the trail of a human, he follows it. (If) it was his wish day, then he searched for his wish day.
(If) he finds a god-created human, he takes it with the head; (if) it was his search day, he searched for his search day.
Soon he will die.
Well, he did die.
His mother broke out in tears, she says: accursed one!
If you were to come here from somewhere, I'd eat you here, I'd drink you.
He calls out: where am I off to? Here I am!
Soon the miserable forest spirit woman appeared with an iron bow.
When he shoots her she falls with the arrow.
The miserable boy comes out, he shoots him again, he falls with the arrow.
After a while the daughter of the forest spirit comes out, when she shoots her, she falls with the arrow.
He killed them all.
Then he went to the miʃ-woman.
He asks the miʃ-woman: Will you get married with me?
If you don't marry me, then I'll kill you.
The miʃ-woman replies, there is no one who can kill me.
I, she says, know seven arts, I know seven tricks, I know seven feats.
Instead of killing one another, let's get married.
Well, they got married.
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